Sub Themes

  Our symposium covers works from both science and social sciences on artificial intelligence. In addition to the main topics below, all works based on artificial intelligence are accepted.
Analytical Management and Information System Biostatistics
Cloud computing The Future of Sectors – Where Can Technology and Artificial Intelligence Take Us?
Statistical Engineering Artificial Intelligence Applications in the world and Turkey
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Agriculture, Industry, Health, Business, Food, Energy, Materials, Education, Social, Statistics, Architecture, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and other fields Intersectoral Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Estimation, Classification and Clustering Data Pre-Processing, Sampling and Reduction
High Dimensional Data, Feature Selection and Feature Conversion Big Data Processing Methods and Applications
Machine Learning Applications Deep Learning Practices
Image and Signal Processing Applications Multimedia / Stream / Text / Visual Analysis
Database Technology Programming Languages
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Operations Research and Optimization Problems Simulation Applications with Artificial Intelligence
Ethical Perspective on Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence and Bayes Statistics
Supervised Learning Algorithms Supervised Learning Algorithms and Decision Tree
Unsupervised Learning Algorithms and Main Component Analysis Machine Learning Algorithms in Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic Artificial Intelligence Relationship
Genetic Algorithms Intuitive Problem Solving
Computerized Pattern Recognition Artificial Intelligence in Robotics
Cryptology-Secret Writing Logical Programming Languages
Computer-Human Interactive Systems Natural Language Processing
Neural Language Problems Artificial neural networks
Neural Machine Translation Linear Factor Models in Artificial Intelligence
Deep Nets-Deep Feed Forward Nets Deep Productive Models


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