Aim and Scope

Dear Scholars,

    I. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Sectoral Applications will be held in Mersin, Turkey on December 1-2-3, 2021 by the Faculty of Engineering of Toros University. Symposium presentations will be made as a videoconference or online due to the ongoing pandemic.

  The term “Artificial Intelligence”, which has come into our lives with the rapidly developing technology in recent years, has laid the groundwork for technological advances in many different fields along with the informatics field and opened doors to new formations. Artificial Intelligence technologies are widely used in computer applications to perform tasks such as monitoring, forecasting, advice, forecasting and statistical reporting. Cloud / fog / edge computing, big data analytics, robotics, internet of things (IoT), mobile computing, smart cities, smart homes, with various systems including driverless vehicles, robot-controlled warehouses, financial forecasting applications and security applications, smart healthcare etc. studies modelled with Artificial Intelligence in many areas continue to emerge increasingly. In this context, the primary purpose of the I. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Sectoral Applications; is aimed to take fundamental steps in terms of evaluating the subjects in both science and social sciences with a multidisciplinary approach, whose common focal points are “Artificial Intelligence”, and that researchers from different fields and sector representatives come together on an academic platform to speak the same language and get to know each other.

  In the I. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and its Sectoral Applications, besides the main subjects determined, all the papers based on Artificial Intelligence will be included. Symposium languages are Turkish and English. After the end of the symposium, the Symposium abstracts and full reports will be published with the ISBN number.

  We all look forward to meeting you at the I. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Sectoral Applications, September 1-2-3, 2021 with the excitement of organizing one of the most influential academical symposium in Turkey.

Best Regards

Symposium Organizing Committee

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